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Компания Avago Technologies представила новые микросхемы ALM-80110 и ALM-80210


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Single paired Extension and Compensating cables

Extension- and compensating cables, pairedПродукция Lapp Kabel: Temperature resistant Cables and Compensating cables - Single paired Extension and Compensating cables Application:

Thermal and compensating cables are used in temperature measurements with a thermocouple. A thermocouple consists of 2 sensors made of different metals or alloys between which an electrical voltage is produced dependant on the temperature. The cables transmit this voltage from the thermocouple to the reference point. The voltage strength is assigned to a temperature at the measuring point using a measuring instrument. The sheath and insulation materials are made of PVC, silicon or glass fibre for different ambient temperatures.

Special feature:
  • Fe/CuNi (LX, JX)
    The extension cables consist of the same original materials as the thermocouples.
  • NiCr/Ni (KCA, KX)
    In KCA compensating cables special alloys are used which have the same thermoelectric characteristics as the thermocouple up to approx. +150 °C. KX versions have conductors of the same original materials as the thermocouple and, as a rule, are subject to tighter measurement tolerances.
  • PtRh/Pt (RCB, SCB)
    Also for this compensating cable version, special alloys are used which have the same characteristics as the thermo-couple up to approx. +200°C. Conductors made of original materials are not possible here.


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