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Компания Avago Technologies представила новые микросхемы ALM-80110 и ALM-80210


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Сверхминиатюрные термокомпенсированные кварцевые генераторы


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GaN несогласованный транзистор компании RF Micro Devices


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Силовой N-канальный МОП-транзистор NTMFS4927N компании ON Semiconductor


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Монолитные интегральные схемы СВЧ переключателей компании Hittite Microwave


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MPC4x (Digital Logic)MPC40

This totally silent DIGITAL-LOGIC computer operates on the basis of the Intel® Pentium® M with passive cooling. The main focus is on providing a wide variety of interfaces, a video input and a WLAN option.

_ Silent office computers
_ Workshop computers with dust protection
_ Computers for Firewire cameras
_ Patient monitoring
 Datasheet  Download
 MPC4x (Digital Logic)MPC40A

This totally silent DIGITAL-LOGIC network computer operates on the basis of the
Intel® Pentium® M with passive cooling. With its 3 integrated LAN ports and the
WLAN option, the main focus is on network security tasks.

_ Protocol converter
_ Network security and monitoring
 Datasheet  Download
 MPC4x (Digital Logic)MPC40B

This totally silent DIGITAL-LOGIC computer for measuring technology tasks operates on the basis of the Intel® Pentium® M with passive cooling. The main focus is on functional expansion capability via PC cards. These can include UMTS, GSM, SCSI, CAN, digital I/O, analogue I/O, etc.

_ Measuring technology
_ UMTS PC card computers
_ Field bus ? LAN/Internet bridge
_ Data acquisition systems
 Datasheet  Download
 MPC4x (Digital Logic)MPC40C

The totally silent DIGITAL-LOGIC computer for video monitoring tasks and image processing operates on the basis of the Intel® Pentium M with passive cooling. The main focus is on the 3 integrated frame grabbers operating in parallel, which makes it possible to process 3x 25 images/sec. The MPC40C can be used in conjunction with the universally installable DV monitor (6.5-12") display system.

_ Video monitoring computer
_ Safety technology
_ Image analysis
_ Video server
_ Video bridge to LAN, WLAN, UMTS
 MPC4x (Digital Logic)MPC41

This totally silent DIGITAL-LOGIC computer for multimedia applications operates on the basis of the Intel® Pentium® M with passive cooling. The main focus is on the integrated MPEG2 video compressor hardware.

_ Video streaming servers
_ Video monitoring systems
_ Robust, mobile multimedia computer
_ 5.1-channel audio output



Компания Silicon Laboratories представила серию Si51x
в которую входят кварцевые генераторы и кварцевые генераторы
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Компания KEMET представила керамические чип-конденсаторы
предназначенные для монтажа на единую монолитную структуру.
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С праздником 23 февраля


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Генераторы с низкой G-чувствительностью
 для военных и промышленных приложений
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Cнижение цен на модели

драйверов светодиодов AIMTEC

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